Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Movie Review Forrest Gump - 1876 Words

Josh Kaplan 11SEP 2015 SPCH125 Movie Assignment The movie I selected for this assignment is Forrest Gump, mostly because it is one of the most widely known movies of all time. Instantly quotable and memorizable, and one I have watched a million times over in every way possible. Forrest Gump, of Greenbow, AL, has one of the most historically and culturally significant lives possible, from playing football for the University of Alabama, to serving as an Infantry Sergeant in the Vietnam War. He also played ping-pong, fished for shrimp, and met presidents Kennedy and Johnson. He met other famous people to include a young Elvis, as well as John Lennon while on TV. He ran back and forth across the country for â€Å"3 years, 2 months, 14 days, 16 hours† as he put, and became a good father for his son when his lifelong romantic interest died. He does all of this without realizing what he is doing as he is doing it, simply because he is mildly retarded and just goes through life doing simply what he is told or what he feels like doi ng. This story also contains examples of the concepts of interpersonal communications, which consists of: the transactional nature of communications, self-image, self-esteem, self-concept, online disclosures, and self-fulfilling prophecies, perception, principles of nonverbal communication and personal presentation, and listening. The first concept covered is the transactional nature of communications. Transactional nature of communications essentiallyShow MoreRelatedForrest Gump Movie Review Essay1243 Words   |  5 Pages Forrest Gump Movie Review Essay Often, hardships such as war, separation from the ones you love, terrorism, and bullying can bring your self esteem, motivation, and even personality down to a lower level. It can be difficult to stay strong and keep progressing with the many misfortunes that can occur. Likewise, Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump shows how the protagonist, Forrest Gump, deals with and reacts to all the adversity that happens in the society and in his family and friends as well. ForrestRead MoreThe Review of Forrest Gump Movie883 Words   |  4 PagesForrest Gump, directed by Robert Zemeckis is a six Academy Awards winner (1995) love-or-hate story of a journey through life of a simple man. Gump (Tom Hanks), continually finds himself in the middle of important events from the late 50s through the 70s including a meeting with Elvis Presley, JFK and Richard Nixon. Without effort of his own he is a witness of almost all major historical moments in the United Stated, however he takes part in them with out understanding what he does and sees. 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The movie Forrest Gump was created by Paramount Pictures in 1994. Tom Hanks stars as the main character Forrest Gump. The movie portrayed Forrest Gump in a different way and as somet imes more innocent than his character in the book. This is shown in three different ways: Jenny and Forrest’s relationship, Characters’ drug use, and in the book Forrest is involved in moreRead MoreMovie Analysis : Forrest Gump1604 Words   |  7 Pagesstated by Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks). Forrest Gump makes a big emphasis on how life is erratic and no one knows what lies ahead. Forrest was the main character of the movie, telling his life journey at a bus stop. A story of a man who was born with below average intelligence and still managed to accomplish many milestones in his life, all while creating relationships with people. This 1994 American drama film depicted defining events of the late 20th century in the United States. 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Our textbook describes sociological imagination as the ability to see our private experiences, personal difficulties, and achievements as, in part, a reflection of the structural arrangements of society and the times in which we live. The movie entitled Forrest Gump is a great example of sociological imagination. In this paper, I willRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of The Movie : Forrest Gump1257 Words   |  6 Pagesbest example is Forrest Gumps mother. Indeed, she lives alone with him without his father, so she takes care of him as a father and mother which is difficult. In addition, she challenges everybody that Forrest Gump can be the best even if his IQ is low because she believes on him. However, the film has several strong criteria, including the character development, the messages and themes, the dialogue, and the soundtrack which make it popular and one of the best movies. Forrest Gump is a film about

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